Public Delineation in Traditional Astrology

The Project starts January 2022. – The Delineationtools are taken from Hellenistic Astrology and Medieval Arab Astrology – Tropical Zodiac – Whole Sign Houses. – We will delineate the Nativities of Public Figures like Carl Gustav Jung – Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and the Chart of the Moderator Volker H. Schendel.

„More as a Student than as an Authority in Traditional Astrology“ is the best Qualification for this Project, because then there will be openness and tolerance under the Team-Members.  

It is not necesary for Team-Members to pre-read or look up the chart beforehand. The Project is designed to be enjoyable for the Participants in reading the chart live with the group.

For Participation send an email to this address: –

This is the new Address of Volker H. Schendel – Hannover – Germany and his Channel –

The Delineations will be done in recorded Zoom Conferences and all Participants consent, that the Recordings will be published uncut and unedited. – Every Participant gets the full mp4 via Wetransfer and is entitled, to use the Footage in whatever way he wants to use it by Cutting and Editing.